Lyon is Sixposter

Crewmate : Tamu Undangan

*This invitation is valid for crewmate(s) above


Lyon's spaceship launch date

May 14, 2023

The Date

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Please join our spaceship party

Sunday, 14th May 2023
11 am - Done

PappaJack Citywalk Elvee
Bencongan, Kec. Klp. Dua, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten

Health Protocol

Please continue to adhere to health protocols. Using a mask, normal body temperature, and maintaining hand hygiene. Guardians are required to be vaccinated twice

Filter Instagram

Let's use this Instagram filter at the moment of our birthday event

Every crewmates requires to come with 1 personal guardian

Discuss (1)
Gracia Stefani
We’ll come dear Lyon..can’t wait to see you soon bday boy 🥳😍
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We’ll definitely be there Lyon, see u soon 😘
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Ms. Ester
Thanks for the invitation, Lyon. Let's celebrate your happy day. See you ^.^
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Cool! Ok Lyon i will be there 😍
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Yesssss.. I'm coming 😎
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yeayy...i'll be there for sure 🤩
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Lets go
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Vandana Semwal
Glad to join 🙏💕
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Yeay! Sure I will be there ! ❤️
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Wow, it is a pleasure to be there with you Lyon❤
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ok Lyonn lets celebrate your birthdayy!!!
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Dear Lyon, Thank you so much for inviting me to your birthday party! I'm looking forward to sharing in your special day and enjoying the festivities with you!
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Yeay...Let's celebrate your birthday Lyon😊 save the date😍
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Yeay...Let's celebrate your birthday Lyon😊 save the date😍
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Ms. Pamela
I'll be there, Lyon. Thanks for inviting me🩷
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Yay! Looking forward to celebrate your birthday 😻
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Miss Elita
I will be there Thanks for the invitation Let's rock the party
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Kingsley Fulius
let’s rock your birthday bro
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Yorwen, David, Darren
We will be there Lyon ! Xxx

"Let us embark together into the space!"

Lyon Sanjaya

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