And of His signs is this: He created for you helpmeets from yourselves that ye might find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy. Lo! herein indeed are portents for folk who reflect
Irfan Vemirozan
The Son of Mr. Vetriansyah Putra
& Mrs. Mitra Damayanti Lubis
Considering the Covid-19 pandemic, we are unable to invite all of you in person. We’re still utterly in love, but it’s important to us that everyone stays safe, so alongside with the real event we also plan to publish our wedding virtually via Live Streaming below:
"I have looked at you in millions of ways and I have loved you in each"
Our Unexpected Fate
Unexpected Hello
it was late afternoon, the first time he asked to have a cup of coffee and share our story one to another. a quick hello that leads to poems and conversations. “maybe one more day for a cup of tea?” fleeting thoughts come up to mind.
he was the ember of a love long past and consumed, and she was the flame that came and set him ablaze.
Unexpected Truth
in the midnight time, most of truth are spoken. an empty silence, an unexpected confession, an invisible thread connection. you told me where you hid your heart, drew me a map to your secret hidin place. i stumbled along the narrow path, listening for the sound of your heartbeat.
Unexpected Journey
its like, she is fire, he is ice. one glimpse of her ignites his stone cold eyes. the heat of her body melts the frozen parts of his heart. he walks through flames just to feel her warmth. "you have me. until every last star in the galaxy dies. you have me.”, he said
Unexpected Dream
we never thought, after that late afternoon, we are going to call each other when the sun rises until the sun sets. every single day. until today. until forever.
with our sincere heart, you are reading this message. we gladly invite you to come to our love celebration. to witness our gratitude for every journey we are going to. for every joyful moment we have, for every sadness and happiness we may experience. to witness, how we promise; to love, to look after, to take care of, to shed the tears, to create the smile, and to build the dream we have been waiting for.
Wedding Gift
For family and friends who would like to send a gift. We would be glad to receive it. Tap the following buttons to send them to us:
Congratulations on your marriage! My heartfelt congratulations, my dear friend, maaf gabisa hadir kemalang, yang pentinggg Sakinah mawaddah warohmaaa 🥰💖
Selamat menempuh hidup baru sobat hunger games ku pada zamannya🥺 Semoga Sakinah Mawwadah Warohmah, langgeng dan bahagia terus sampek akhir hayat bersama suami aamiin❤ sorry belum bisa hadir, tapi doanya semoga tetep sampek kesana yaa cantik❤✨
Selamat haniiii suka banget liat prewed2 kamuu
maaf gabisa dateng yaaa semoga bisa menjadi keluarga yang samawaa bahagia dunia akhirat sama mas suamiikk
Barakallah selamat hani dan irfan lancar sampai hari H, semoga menjadi keluarga samawa, doa terbaik buat hani dan irfan, semoga segera diberikan momongan . Aamiin
Congratulations Hani dan Suami 🥰
Semoga menjadi keluarga yang samawa, dilancarkan terus sampai hari H acara yaaaa. Fotonya bagus bagussss dan maaf banget belum bisa datang. Besh wishes for youuuu ❣️
Happy Wedding Hani semoga menjadi keluarga yang sakinah mawadah warohmah, mohon maaf blm bisa hadir karna blm bisa ke malang❤️🥺 lancar2 terus sampai hari H yaa🤗❤️😘🥰 btw foto2 nyaa bagus2
Happy wedding Hani dan Suamii, semoga acara dilancarkan sampai hari H dan diberikan keluarga yg samawa. Best wishes and happily ever after for your new life🫶🏻💕
Selamat menempuh hidup baruuu hanii dan mas irfan, lancar2 sampai hari H dan seterusnyaa✨✨ semoga menjadi keluarga yg sakinah, mawaddah, warohmah.. Aamiin aamiin🤗🥰🫶🏻
Selamat menempuh hidup baru Hani dan Mas Irfan💐
Semoga segala persiapan lancar hingga hari H, dan menjadi keluarga bahagia hingga maut memisahkan, Aminnnn🥰🥰🥰
Selamat ya Haniii dan Calon suamiiii, seneng banget dapet undangan ini. Semoga lancar sampe hari H dan semoga bisa menjadi keluarga yang sakinnah mawaddah wa rahmah. Bahagia selalu kalian💗
SELAMAT BEBSSS dan mipan!!! semoga samawaa dan membahagiakan juga setia sampai selama-lamanya. Sama-sama bertemu di saat keduanya merindukan hal yang sama🥹🥹🥹🥹✨be happy bebstieee